CIRE is the public company of the Department of Justice of the Generalitat of Catalonia, whose objective is to give second chances to people deprived of liberty, through training and work. They need to have vehicles of discontinuous use for the employees who provide service.
On January 16, the announcement of the CIRE tender requiring the supply of vehicles in the carsharing modality in Barcelona was published. MEC electric carsharing, as a shared electric vehicle rental company for hours or days, made an offer in the tender.
On February 7, it was announced that MEC electric carsharing had won the award of this public tender. Thanks to this contract, extendable until December 2024, we have become providers of the sustainable mobility service, which covers the mobility needs of CIRE employees when traveling.
We are proud to be able to offer our service at the Center for Reinsertion Initiatives throughout 2023.