We informed you that for a good functioning of the website the browser system uses some data for browsing (“Cookies”) in order to offer you a more specialized service to its users. The cookies are small text files that all browsers store when you navigate on websites and apps. You can collect the IP address that your computer uses to connect to the website, the URL of the request website on the time that the connection takes place and other parameters related to the operating system of the user’s computer environment. This information is only collecter in order to identify the session with the porpoise of facilitating the website’s analysis.

COMPARTIM TURISME SOSTENIBLE, SL in its web uses “cookies”:

In any case, in the event of collecting personal data like the IP address this data will be store in a field named “Marketing” responsibility of COMPARTIM TURISME SOSTENIBLE, SL

As determined in the current Personal Data Regulation, you will be informed that you can excise the right of access, rectification, erasure (right to be forgotten) and restriction of processing. This request should be done at Av. Tarragona 135; 08720 Vilafranca del Penedès (Barcelona). or by sending an email to

We informed you that Google, could transfer this information to third parties when the law requires to do so or when this third parties process information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate the IP address form the users with any other data that they have and, for this reason, will be totally done it anonymously.

To reject or delete this “cookie” you can check the following addresses:


In any case, the user can enable the option of his or her own browser system in order to prohibit the installation of cookies;

En cualquier caso, el usuario puede habilitar la opción de su propio sistema de navegación por tal de no permitir la instalación de cookies; COMPARTIM TURISME SOSTENIBLE, SL will not be responsible of the incorrect functioning of some of the website services because of the disabling of cookies.

In the following links you can find instructions that will help you with the settings of the main browsers

Internet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Safari para IOS (Iphone, IPad):
Chrome para Android:

If you would like to get more information about the cookies and the way to disable them depending on your browser system you can check the following links and

In case you do not, having explained from COMPARTIM TURISME SOSTENIBLE, SL side the use of cookies we understand that if you have not disabling the cookies implies you have given your consent for the processing of your Data for Google in the specified way explained previously for the described purpose.

In the case of doubt o any other comment, you can contact COMPARTIM TURISME SOSTENIBLE, SL through the customer service channel or by sending an email to